I’m Mauricio Garcia. I was born in Puebla, Mexico

I’ve loved making things for as long as I can remember. I've loved to play videogames, the first one I played was Age of Empires, it blowed up my mind this great strategy game.
This was the reason I entered a programming career at high school, but I dind't write down a line of gaming code, but some years later in Unity!

I've worked as .Net for legacy project for a while. However, as of 2017 years ago, I've switched as frontend enigneer. So, today love working with react and some other technologies with typescript!

Since I was a kid, I loved helping my mom in the kitchen. Yeah, I've cut my fingers lots of times! 🩹. So nowadays, when I'm not programming, I'm cooking some smoked ribs 🍖 by slow & low technique. Take a look at my instagram!
Fun fact: I love French Macaroons!
